DE 2020: The Year of Change
Clinton W Mitchell, Esq.
September 3, 2019

When I sat down at the end of last year to idealize my vision for 2020, pandemic did not make it onto the vision board. Neither did massive unemployment, a deep recession, nor the immense amount of loss my friends, family and countrymen have endured. However, if I’m being completely honest, this year hasn’t been all bad. A few days before the year started, my wife and I relocated to North Carolina, started new jobs a few days into the new year and recently announced that we’re expecting the birth of our second (and final) child. Juggling multiple jobs and responsibilities with the added stressor of a global pandemic at your doorstep has been, at times and in a word, exhausting. But, when I have a moment to reflect on how blessed me and mine are, I can’t help but smile. 

One of the Pre-Covid endeavors I embarked upon was redesigning the DE website. To do so, I revisited engagements, reviewed dozens of client folders and hundreds of photos to better understand how to connect what we do to how and why we can do for prospective clients. It seems simple on its face but, in reality, it can be difficult trying to make that sell in 30 seconds or less, which is the average amount of time you have to capture someone’s attention on your website before they decide to move on. The struggle to illustrate the “What?” and the “Why?” led to doubt and it began to seep in. I was drowning in a sea of despair at seemingly the worst possible time. 

However, it was shifting to another facet of the redesign that led to my self-discovery: Client Testimonies. To be candid, this was my least favorite aspect of the entire undertaking. I didn’t want to do it and was looking to do everything possible to avoid it. However, my wonderful web designer did a great job underscoring its importance and I’m glad she did. After seeking out the opinions of clients, both past and current, it empowered me. Reading those words of affirmation was a reminder of the “What?” and helped me to connect it to the “Why?”

DE has worked with athletes, chefs, creatives, entrepreneurs and universities across multiple industries and disciplines in furtherance of one goal: Being Better Than Good. As humans, it’s easy to question your purpose, doubt the mission and cross-examine your objectives. A little introspection and criticism never hurt anyone, but don’t dwell on any one failure or setback, or else risk never getting off the mat again. At the end of your introspective journey, you must reach the conclusion that you are enough and that you will “Will what you want.” But to do so, you must “Keep Going.” 

DE prides itself on helping our clients become the best versions of themselves by adding strategy to their ideas. I’m grateful for this opportunity to reimagine, reshape and re-envision who we are and how we help small businesses and creatives reach their goals. I’m proud of the team, without them this company is nothing and we’re all appreciative for every client that’s ever walked through the door and given us a shot to take them to next. Thank you! 

In parting, if you find yourself struggling to find your purpose, fighting to find your why, or doubting who you are, I leave you with these words, remind yourself: Nobody built like you, you designed yourself!” 


This website was designed and built by Anna Mulamba

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